Wednesday 3 February 2010

Episode 504 - My Kitchen Bookclub : Cook's Bible, The definitive cook's guide

Cook's Bible - A MUST get!

Hi all! So great to be back online and blog! I just came back from a vacation at Singapore few weeks back and I must say that it was a really great and revitilising trip! Shopped a hell lot and the best thing was to try out all the different types of food! Can't wait to share with you everything that I tried and came across in Singapore! Food galore in the next few posts. For now, I'm introducing a new category for my blog which is 'My Kitchen Bookclub'. It features the different types of cookbooks which I have bought and I'll give several of my views on it so maybe you guys would be interested in getting them too! I came across this cookbook or more like a bible for cooks at BORDERS bookshop which I think is at Wheelock (groundfloor) along Orchard Road for SGD31.90 (with GST).

I think that this book is great especially if you need to know all the minor details on cooking and its definition. It has 2 parts namely, Part One : Introduction which includes the importance of healthy eating, safety in the kitchen, Equipments that you need around the kitchen and even down to the types of cooking techniques as well as preparation methods. This includes like what grind, caramelise or basting is. It's great that the author even provide pictures alongside the definition of each method. I can tell you that this is a great book to use if you need to explain something about cooking cos I've been having a lot of trouble trying to use the right term when I post the method for my recipes.

The second part features the Main Commodities and Recipes. Broken down into 9 chapters which are Chapter 1 - Eggs and Dairy, Chapter 2 - Fish & Shellfish, Chapter 3 - Meat, Chapter 4 - Poultry and Game, Chapter 5 - Vegetables and Salads, Chapter 7 - Rice, Pasta, Pulses and Grains, Chapter 8 - Fruit and lastly, Chapter 9 - Baking. All the chapters in the book do not go straight to the recipes but actually starts of with important info about the food on each featured chapter. Example, if they're talking about cooking meat, the chapter starts with how to buy and store different types of meat, how to choose the meat for the different types of cooking and even provides oven temperatures and roasting times. Similarly, the chapter on baking would include recipes from making bread to mouth watering deserts and also describes techniques to make a good dough and different types of pastries.

My favourite chapter would be the 5th one on vegetables and salads as the book really gave a great range of recipes from healthy soups to one of my very favourite type of vege to cook which is potatoes.

So if you love food and need a basic and thorough interpretation of the many types of gorgeous food, you should definitely get this book to be one of your humble collections of cookbooks.

Alright, do stay around as my foodie experience in Singapore will be on the next few posts with pics for you to drool on.