Wednesday 1 July 2009

Episode 212 - Food for the Ill - Part 1: Food to avoid during Sorethroat

Sorethroat? Best to avoid Fast Food!
I have been having the worse sorethroat and cough for the last 3 weeks. Throughout those weeks I have tried so many types of medicines and avoided so many types of food which will make the sorethroat and cough slow to heal. There are a few types of food and drinks you should avoid when you are having a sorethroat. This is because food and drinks like this will make it hard for someone to swallow as well as hinders the healing process by worsening it or slowing it down.

If you have a sorethroat, AVOID:

1. Rough or Crunchy Foods: Like dry cereals, dry toast, popcorn, nuts, plain rice, fried foods, raw vegetables and hard fruits.
2. Dry Foods: E.g. baked or fried meats, chicken or fish, cookies, crackers, bread and buns and dry cakes.
3. Oily Foods: E.g. deep fried food, any types of dishes cooked in a lot of oil. (Sorry guys, you have to avoid the Char Kueh Tiaw and Fries)
4. Beverages: carbonated drinks and any type of alcoholic drinks.
5. Tart or Acidic Foods: foods made with citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons and foods made with tomatoes ( e.g. juices and sauces).
6. Foods that are too Hot or too Cold: i.e. very hot beverages or soups and very cold beverages or foods.
7. Highly Seasoned Foods: E.g. Food with lots of pepper, curry, chili seasoned dishes, or salty snack foods.

It does sound like you can't eat anything at all right? You're wrong! In the next post, I'm putting up food you CAN EAT when you're having a sorethroat.

See you there!