Monday 29 June 2009

Episode 211 - Water Chestnut Chicken Patties

Hi guys! What's cooking? I made these for dinner today. They were really tasty. This patties have the sweetness and crunch to them, thanks to the water chestnuts! I got this recipe from 85 Popular Classic Dishes published by SEASHORE. You guys should get that book and be inspired by it for your meals. I'll just put up the exact recipe from the book for you guys to try it out!

Water Chestnut Chicken Patties

200 g Chicken Meat (minced)
50 g Water Chestnuts (chopped)
some coriander (chopped)
10 g Chinese Mushrooms (cut into small dices)
1 stalk spring onion (chopped)

Seasonings A
1 tsp salt
some pepper
1 tsp potato starch

Seasonings B
100 ml water
1tsp sugar
1 tbsp oyster sauce
some pepper

1. Beat chicken meat, water chestnuts, coriander and 8g of Chinese mushrooms with Seasonings A vigorously. Mould into 12 small balls then flatten them into patties.

2. heat up a pan and pan-fry the patties till both sides turn golden brown.

3. Bring Beasonings B to boil before thickening it 1/2 teaspoon of potato starch. Put in 2g of Chinese Mushrooms and the chopped spring onion and stur into sauce.

4. Serve the meat patties with the sauce.

*Tip*: Based on my experience on tryng this recipe, I'd recommend adding some light soya sauce into the chicken meat batter. But remember to lessen the salt into half and put around 1 tbsp of soya sauce. Also, I didn't really like the dip for the patties. You can either use ready minced chicken meat which you can get at the Supermarket but it's a bit fatty. So, you can buy some meat (boneless whole leg/breast) and remove the fat and minced them with an electric mincer or using your cleaver knife and chop it till its minced! I think it's best to eat the patties with Sweet Chilli Sauce or the dip I created for the Fish Fritters in the past post.

Also, if there are leftovers you can cut them up and put them into your fried rice or eat them as snacks for the next day.

Alright, a cookie recipe next! See you there! Don't forget to try this recipe out!!! :oD